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The philosophy “Aim for the moon, and even if you miss, you will fall among stars,” epitomizes the aspirations of Anthony Beckford.

Anthony Beckford commenced his academic quest at the Chantilly Early Childhood School in Westmoreland. His enrollment at the said was primarily highlighted by dedication and eloquent expressions. He matriculated to Unity Primary School in 2009 where his leadership qualities were honed and exemplified by being elected as class monitor from grades one to six and participating in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) competitions. In like manner, Anthony’s entrenched traits of leadership and involvement were irresistible features on display during his enrollment at the Mannings School from 2014-2021.

Anthony Beckford created an illustrious legacy at the Manning’s School with credit being given to family and school involvement in his formative years. His legacy at the said institution was highlighted, though not entirely, in the sitting of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) exit exams. In the former he obtained eleven subjects,

whilst in the latter he obtained all units for the four subjects done. Importantly, he was the valedictorian for the Class of 2019 at the Mannings School, the recipient of the chairman’s award for exceptional performance in external examinations and he was also nationally ranked in his favorite subject, English language. Likewise, he was laudably involved in the advancement of the school’s ethos, shown in his membership in clubs and societies. Noteworthy, his perpetually unquenchable desire to contribute was evident in memberships held in the 4H, debating, and Math, science and tourism action club. The list does not end there. As an individual of unyielding faith, Anthony was also the vice president of the Inter School Christian Fellowship, as well as president of the Performing Arts Society, Peer Counseling Society and the Student Council. He was also the proud, deserving recipient of the titles and positions of youth councilor of Northern Savanna La Mar, as well as His Worship the youth Mayor. Alongside this, Anthony maintains his long-standing role as a mentor and role model to his peers and well-wishers.

Anthony is and continues to be nothing short of phenomenal. With a heart spun from the finest silk and a mindset like no other, it begs the question, did the universe spontaneously combust to fit a tower of resilience, faith, and unparalleled ambition into the slender frame of this doting young man? Anthony is as luminescent as they come, with energy, soul, and spirit fit to power the whole world with light and positivity. He embodies a light-spirited personality that is adorned with articulation, multifarity, perspicacity and altruism. He prides himself to be an active altruist and was driven by the narrative that substantial empowerment of self is incomplete without that of others One would never imagine the hurdles he has jumped and the bridges he has burned to become the person he is today.

Anthony strides from a small but volatile community in the vicinity of Savanna-la-Mar, one that is plagued by high levels of youth delinquency, crime, and violence. However, despite these limitations, he is committed to reshaping the community he hails from, as the past cannot be reshaped, but the present is malleable, thus the future can be forged from it. It is his whim that the generations yet to come do not have to walk upon the shards of the broken society in which he came to see, but rather be a part of the renaissance. It is this heart of gold that drives him to pursue a career in the field of medicine. What better gift is there to give, than that of a happy, less painful life? More so, his mother is his most potent source of motivation for such an aspiration. Coming to terms with her ailment was a reckoning his heart was not prepared for, and it is this misfortune that pushes him onwards. Asynchronously, his soon-to-be reality of becoming a medical doctor sits on the axis to significantly provide and improve indiscriminate healthcare across the world.

Anthony Beckford is overwhelmingly appreciative to be a beneficiary of the Josephine Lilly Wolf Memorial Scholarship. This foundation will greatly propel the actualization of his career goal of being a medical doctor. In like manner, this opportunity will assist his sincere desire to universally advance humanitarianism. It also affords him a chance at achieving the future he craved, and to embody hope and motivation for other struggling individuals in his community like himself. This scholarship has set into motion that which cannot be stopped, a domino effect; the greatest metamorphosis yet for Anthony, as he continues to blaze the trail to greatness.

If you were to converse with Anthony Beckford, one out of two times he would share this reassuring Bible quote: “For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7. Anthony also implores everyone to remember that “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” Therefore, believe in your dreams, overcome your limitations, and, most importantly, to thine own self be true.




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